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Guide to Coronary Angioplasty at Bilal Hospital

What is Coronary Heart Disease?

Coronary heart disease is the disease of coronary arteries. Like branches of a tree, these arteries are apread over the surface of your heart. Their job is to supply oxygen rich blood and vital nutrients to your entire heart muscle. Your heart needs all of this to perform its routine functions.

When these arteries become narrow, you feel sick and experience the symptoms of coronary heart disease. This happens because somewhere inside your coronary arteries, fatty deposits may have build up. Your heart does not receive the required amount of blood especially when you are exercising, running up and down the stairs or whenever you are physically active.

What are the symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease?
  1. Chest pain (angina) / Heart Attack
  2. Epigastric pain ( pain beneath your ribs after meals)
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Dizziness or light headedness
  5. Sweatiness
What is Coronary Angiography?

Coronary Angioplasty is a non-surgical procedure. It is used to unblock your coronary arteries. This procedure allows the blood to flow more easily to your heart muscle. In case of a heart attack it is performed as an emergency treatment. You may choose to have angiography and angioplasty at the same time to avoid extra dye and time at the hospital.


Can i eat or drink before the procedure?

Please do not eat or drink anything from midnight i.e. night before your angioplasty.

What happens during the procedure?

Your Angioplasty will be performed at Bilal Hospital Cath Lab.



During the procedure:

  • To numb the wrist or groin area, you will be given local anaesthesia before the test.
  • Cannula like arterial sheath is passed into the artery at the groin or wrist area.
  • To numb the wrist or groin area, you will be given local anaesthesia before the test.
  • Cannula like arterial sheath is passed into the artery at the groin or wrist area.
  • A thin , flexible tube (guiding catheter) will be inserted into the artery. The catheter will be guided to your coronary arteries. Once in place, guiding wire of catheter is taken out.
  • A special dye called contrast is injected through the catheter. This reveals your coronary arteries along with any narrowed or blocked area on the monitor screens. While injecting dye, you may feel a warm sensation in your body, but don't worry this is normal.



  • Through catheter , another guiding wire with balloon attached at the end will be guided to blocked artery.
  • The balloon will be gently blown up, so that it pushes the fatty deposits against the inside walls of your blocked artery. This will widen your artery and increase the flow of blood to your heart muscle.
  • To keep the artery unblocked even after the procedure , a small hollow tube called stent needs needs to be placed inside your blocked artery. To do this, guiding wire with balloon is taken out. Instead another guiding wire with stent attached at the end is guided to the blocked area. It is also expanded like the balloon and left in place to keep your artery open.


What long will the procedure take?

Coronary Angioplasty may take an hour and a half to two hours. (90 - 120 mins)

WIll i feel pain during the procedure?

During Angioplasty, you may experience some of your symptoms. So if you feel any discomfort or pain please tell your doctor right away.

What happens after the procedure?

Once your procedure is complete, the catheter will be removed and your doctor or nurse will press on your puncture site. To allow your puncture site to seal properly, you may need to stay in bed for 6 to 8 hours. Your movements will be restricted during this time.

When can i go home?

You will be kept under observation at Bilal Hospital for at least 24 hours.

Does it have risks?

Possible risks depend on your overall health and heart condition. Please talk to your Cardiologist about risks before agreeing to have angioplasty.

What precautions to take after the procedure?

Take following steps for speedy recovery:

  1. Take your prescribed medicines on time.
  2. For a few days after the procedure, please avoid physical activity that requires a great deal of effort. Try to increase your physical activity level little by little.
  3. Do not drive for at least a week after angioplasty. If you have had a heart attack than avoid driving for at least a month.
  4. Take some time off from your work. Discuss with your doctor about this.
  5. Contact your doctor right away, if you see redness around your puncture site or if the rea is hard and painful. Some bruising is normal, but if it gets worse talk to your doctor immediately. 

Bilal Hospital Cardiology Department offers both Angiography and Angioplasty for treatment of coronary heart disease at affordable rates. For more information call at OPD at +92 51 2373371-4 or +92 51 8094533-36.